Conference Presentations

Presentations as an Assistant Researcher at UCLA-JIFRESSE/JPL Affiliate


Crespo, J.A., D.J. Posselt, C.M. Naud, and R. Luna-Niño, A Study of the Influence of Convection on Atmospheric River Genesis, Evolution, and Precipitation Production. Talk and poster presented at the 2023 Precipitation Measurement Mission Annual Meeting. Minneapolis, MN. September 2023.

Crespo, J.A., S. Asharaf, D.J. Posselt, C.M. Naud, R. Luna-Niño, and A. Cobb, CYGNSS Ocean Surface Heat Flux Product Development, Updates, and Applications with Extratropical Cyclones & Atmospheric Rivers. Talk presented at the 2023 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Pasadena, CA. July 2023.

Crespo, J.A., S. Asharaf, and D.J. Posselt, The CYGNSS Ocean Surface Heat Flux Product. Poster presented at the Joint CYGNSS-TROPICS Applications Workshop, Miami, FL. April 2023.

Crespo, J.A., C.M. Naud, D.J. Posselt, and A. Cobb, Utilizing CYGNSS Ocean Surface Heat Flux Observations to Better Understand how Air-Sea Processes Impact the Development of Extratropical Cyclones and Atmospheric River Clouds and Precipitation Structure. Poster presented at the US CLIVAR Mesoscale and Frontal-Scale Air-Sea Interactions Workshop, Boulder, CO. March 2023

Crespo, J.A., C.M. Naud, J.F. Booth, D.J. Posselt, and A. Cobb, CYGNSS Surface Heat Flux Product Updates and Surface Flux Impacts of Lower Latitude Extratropical Cyclones Cloud and Precipitation Development. Poster presented at the 23rd Conference on Air-Sea Interaction at the 103rd American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Denver, CO. January 2023.


Crespo, J.A., C.M. Naud, and D.J. Posselt, CYGNSS-Based Analysis of Surface Heat Flux Impacts on Extratropical Cyclone Development. Talk presented at the Joint 25th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography, and Climatology/2022 NOAA Satellite Conference at the AMS Collective Madison Meeting, Madison, WI. August 2022.

Crespo, J.A., C.M. Naud, and D.J. Posselt, Marine-Based Extratropical Cyclone Development through the eyes of CYGNSS. Poster presented at the 2022 Ocean Sciences Virtual Meeting. March 2022.

Presentations as a PostDoc at JPL


Crespo, J.A., S. Asharaf, C.M. Naud, and D.J. Posselt, The Surface Heat Flux Product for CYGNSS: Updates and Results. Talk presented at the 34th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology Virtual Meeting. May 2021.

Crespo, J.A., S. Asharaf, C.M. Naud, and D.J. Posselt, Updates and Observations from the CYGNSS Surface Heat Flux Product. Talk presented at the 22nd Conference on Air-Sea Interaction at the 101st American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Virtual. January 2021.


Crespo, J.A., S. Asharaf, and D.J. Posselt, CYGNSS Surface Heat Flux Product: Development and Initial Results. Poster presented at the 2020 Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Diego, CA. February 2020.

Crespo, J.A., S. Asharaf, and D.J. Posselt, CYGNSS Surface Heat Flux Product: Development, Results, and Updates. Talk presented at the Third Conference on Earth Observing SmallSats at the 100th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Boston, MA. January 2020.

Crespo, J.A., C.M. Naud, and D.J. Posselt, CYGNSS Surface Heat Flux Product and Low-Latitude Extratropical Cyclone Analysis. Poster presented at the 33rd Conference on Climate Variability and Change at the 100th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Boston, MA. January 2020.


Crespo, J.A., S. Asharaf, C.M. Naud, and D.J. Posselt, CYGNSS Surface Heat Flux Product and Low-Latitude Extratropical Cyclone Analysis. Poster presented at the American Geophysical Union 2019 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. December 2019.

Crespo, J.A., C.M. Naud, and D.J. Posselt, CYGNSS Observations and Analysis of Surface Heat Fluxes in Low Latitude Extratropical Cyclones. Talk presented at the 19th Cyclone Workshop, Seeon, Bavaria, Germany. October 2019.

Crespo, J.A. and D.J. Posselt, Development & Early Results of the Surface Heat Flux Product for the CYGNSS Mission. Poster presented at the 2019 International Ocean Vector Winds Science Team Meeting, Portland, ME. May 2019.

Crespo, J.A., D.J. Posselt, & S. Asharaf, Surface Heat Flux Analysis and Products for the CYGNSS Mission. Talk presented at the 23rd IOAS-AOLS Conference at the 99th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ. January 2019.


Crespo, J.A., D.J. Posselt, & S. Asharaf, CYGNSS Surface Heat Flux Product Development. Poster presented at the American Geophysical Union 2018 Fall Meeting, Washington, DC. December 2018.

Presentations as a Graduate Student at the University of Michigan


Crespo, J.A. and D.J. Posselt, Developing a Surface Heat Flux Product for the CYGNSS Satellite Mission. Talk presented at the 21st conference on Air-Sea Interaction, Oklahoma City, OK. June 2018. Link to talk.

Crespo, J.A. and D.J. Posselt, CYGNSS Estimates of Surface Heat Fluxes. Talk presented at the 33rd Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL. April 2018. Link to talk.

Crespo, J.A. and D.J. Posselt, CYGNSS Observations of Low-Latitude Extratropical Cyclones and Estimates of Surface Heat Fluxes. Talk presented at the 22nd Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography at the 98th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Austin, TX. January 2018. Link to talk.


Crespo, J.A. and D.J. Posselt, CYGNSS Surface Wind Observations and Surface Flux Estimates within Low-Latitude Extratropical Cyclones, Poster presented at the American Geophysical Union 2017 Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA. December 2017.

Crespo, J.A., D.J. Posselt, C.M. Naud, and C.D. Bussy-Virat, Assessing CYGNSS's Potential to Observe Extratropical Fronts and Cyclones, Poster presented at the GNSS+R 2017 Conference, Ann Arbor, MI. May 2017.

Crespo, J.A., D.J. Posselt, C.M. Naud, and C.D. Bussy-Virat, CYGNSS Sampling of Low-Latitude Extratropical Cyclones & Surface Heat Flux Estimates, Talk presented at the 2017 International Ocean Vector Winds Science Team Meeting, San Diego, CA. May 2017.

Crespo, J.A., D.J. Posselt, and C.M. Naud, Utilizing CYGNSS Near Surface Winds to Improve Surface Sensible and Latent Heat Flux Estimates, Poster presented at the Observation Symposium at the 97th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA. January 2017. Link to poster.


Crespo, J.A. and D.J. Posselt, Exploring the use of CYGNSS for Surface Flux Estimation in Extratropical Cyclones, Talk presented at the Joint 21st Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology Conference and 20th Conference on Air-Sea Interaction, Madison, WI. August 2016. Link to talk.


Crespo, J.A. and D.J. Posselt, Satellite-Based Analysis of a Warm Conveyor Belt in a Marine Extratropical Cyclone, Talk presented at the American Geophysical Union 2015 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. December 2015.

Crespo, J. A. and D. J. Posselt, A-Train Based Analysis of Frontal Cloud and Precipitation Structures: A Case Study, Poster presented in the 20th Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography at the 95th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ. January 2015. Link to poster.


Crespo, J. A. and D. J. Posselt, A-Train Based Analysis of Frontal Cloud and Precipitation Structures: A Case Study, Poster presented in the Atmospheric and Climate Sciences session at the Engineering Graduate Symposium, Ann Arbor, MI. November 2014.

Presentations as an Undergraduate Student at Purdue


Crespo, J. A., A. P. Goldner, and M. Huber, The Non-Linearities of El Niño and La Niña Teleconnections, Poster presented in the 10th Annual Undergraduate Research Poster Symposium, West Lafayette, IN. April 2012.

Crespo, J. A., and D. J. Posselt, Satellite and Analysis Based Examination of the Warm Conveyor Belt in An Extratropical Cyclone, Poster presented in the 11th Annual AMS Student Conference at the 92nd American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA. January 2012.

Co-Authored Presentations

Naud, C.M., J.A. Crespo, D.J. Posselt, and J.F. Booth, A CYGNSS Surface Heat Flux-based Classification of Extratropical Cyclones to Explore Cloud and Precipitation Production in the Midlatitudes, Talk presented at the 23rd Symposium on Meteorological Observation and Instrumentation and 23rd Conference on Air-Sea Interaction at the 103rd American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Denver, CO. January 2023.

Naud, C.M., J.A. Crespo, D.J. Posselt, J.F. Booth, and A.N. LeGrande, The sensible and latent heat surface fluxes in extratropical cyclones through their lifecycle, Poster presented virtually at the American Geophysical Union 2021 Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA. December 2021.

Posselt, D.J., C.S. Ruf, R.M. Atlas, N.L. Baker, D. Burrage, J.A. Crespo, J.T. Johnson, T. J. Lang, M. Moghaddam, E.D. Maloney, D. McKague, M. Morris, Z. Pu, E.M. Riley Dellaripa, and D.E. Waliser, NASA CYGNSS Mission Science Highlights, Talk presented at the Ninth Conference on Transition of Research to Operations at the 99th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ. January 2019.

Posselt, D.J., C.S. Ruf, R. Atlas, N.L. Baker, D. Burrage, J.A. Crespo, J.T. Johnson, T.J. Lang, X. Li, E.D. Maloney, D. McKague, M. Morris, Z. Pu, E. Riley Dellaripa, and D. E. Waliser, CYGNSS Science Highlights from the First Year on Orbit, Talk presented at the 22nd Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography; and the 22nd Conference on Integrated Observing and Assimilation Systems for the Atmosphere, Oceans, and Land Surface (IOAS-AOLS) at the 98th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Austin, TX. January 2018.

Posselt, D.J., J.A. Crespo, and C.M. Naud, CYGNSS Observations of Surface Wind Speeds in Oceanic Tropical and Extratropical Cyclones, Talk presented at the American Geophysical Union 2016 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. December 2016.

Posselt, D. J., G. Tierney, J. A. Crespo, C. M. Naud, and S. C. van den Heever. A CloudSat and Numerical Model Based Examination of Latent Heating in Extratropical Cyclones. Talk presented at CALIPSO/CloudSat Science Team Meeting, Washington, DC, November 2014.

Tierney, G., J. A. Crespo, and D. J. Posselt, Evaluation of the Effect of Latent Heat Release on an Extratropical Cyclone by Simulation and Observational Comparison, Poster presented in the 12th Annual Student Conference at the 93rd American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Austin, TX. January 2013.

Burgin, D. G., J. A. Crespo, A. Hartman, A. D. Hendricks, J. Heuss, K. A. Hudson, R. Knutson, A. Pearson, D. Moser, and R. J. Trapp, Observations of the Urban Heat Island Effect from a Small City, Poster presented in the 12th Annual Student Conference at the 93rd American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Austin, TX. January 2013.

Posselt, D. J., J. A. Crespo, G. Tierney, and C. M. Naud, A Multi-Sensor Satellite-Based Examination of Cloud Structure, Precipitation, and the Thermodynamic Environment in a Warm Frontal Cloud System, Talk presented in the 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology at the 92nd American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA. January 2012. Link to talk.

Quardokus, K., D.G. Burgin, J.A. Crespo, E.R. Fernandes, A.D. Hendricks, S.M. Hinkle, K.A. Hudson, R.T. Knutson, Z.L. Muchow, M.C. Sholty, E.L. Waterman, Z.T. Zobel, & S. Lasher-Trapp, The Warm Rain Process in Convective Clouds Influenced by Regional Aerosol and Climate Change, Poster presented in the 10th Annual AMS Student Conference at the 91st American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA. January 2011.

Quardokus, K., D.G. Burgin, J.A. Crespo, E.R. Fernandes, A.D. Hendricks, S.M. Hinkle, K.A. Hudson, R.T. Knutson, Z.L. Muchow, M.C. Sholty, E.L. Waterman, Z.T. Zobel, & M.E. Baldwin, Evaluating Numerical Predictions of Meteorological Features, Poster presented in the 10th Annual AMS Student Conference at the 91st American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA. January 2011.